Car Accidents

According to experts, car accidents are one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the USA, and Idaho bears more than its fair share of fatal accidents every year. Even when accidents are not fatal, the injuries sustained by victims can have life-changing repercussions, including paralysis and mobility issues, burns, scarring and disfigurement, and long-lasting psychological trauma. If you have been involved in a car accident, it is crucial that you have access to reliable, trustworthy legal advice, to help ensure that you access the compensation and support that you are entitled to.

What Are The Common Causes of Car Accidents?

There are a number of common factors in car accidents, and some of the most commonly reported causes include

  • Speeding or Reckless Driving

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 9000 people were killed in car accidents directly related to speeding in 2018 alone. Ignoring the speed limit, and driving recklessly and dangerously, often play key roles in many accidents, and pose a significant danger to drivers and other road users.

  • Distracted Driving

When you are behind the wheel of a car, you need to give that vehicle 110% of your attention – there can be no exceptions. One of the main causes of car accidents across the state of Idaho is a driver who is distracted, and this is typically by a mobile phone or device. Drivers may also find themselves distracted by eating or drinking, by other passengers, or even by applying make-up. Taking your eyes off the road, even for a second, can have fatal consequences.

  • Driving Under The Influence

Drivers who are driving their car under the influence of drugs or alcohol pose a significant threat to other road users. When you are drunk or under the influence of drugs, you will have slower reflexes, longer response times, and will not be alert and aware of everything that is going on around you. Some drivers even fall asleep at the wheel, and the consequences of this can be catastrophic. This type of “impaired driving” is thought to be responsible for a third of all crashes across the state.

What Can I Do If I Am Injured In A Car Accident?

If you are the victim of a car accident caused by another driver, you may be entitled to claim compensation for your injuries, provided that it can be proven that the actions of the other driver were the direct cause of your injuries. In order to successfully file a lawsuit, there is certain evidence that you will need to collect and file, and this includes:

  • Details of The Accident

In order to file a lawsuit, you will need details on the number of cars that were involved, the cause and nature of the crash, and the error committed by the other driver. Try and gather as much information as you can, using witness statements, photographs of the scene, and your own injuries and testimonials. Where did the at-fault driver come from? Were they speeding? Did they ignore any road traffic rules? Which part of the vehicles were involved in the collision?

The more information that you are able to gather about the accident, and the more details that can be included, the higher your chances of filing a successful lawsuit, and claiming compensation.

  • Details of the Location of the Accident

In addition to gathering details and information about the accident itself, you will also need to collect information about the location of the event. A lot of this will come from the police report, which is required to include details such as street names, but once again, the more information that you can provide, the better. Consider whether there were any barriers or obstacles and whether traffic lights and signals were working as they should? Was the street clear and easy to navigate, or blocked and crowded with parked cars?

All of these factors can play a large role in determining who was at fault, so gather as much evidence as you can.

  • Weather

The weather conditions can also play a major role in determining fault, so make sure that you have included these details in your collection of the facts. Was visibility good, or obscured by fog or rain? Was there snow or ice to make the street slippy and hard to drive on? Would it have been hard to stop, and should better care have been taken?

  • Your Injuries

The injuries that you sustain in a car accident will also be a major consideration, especially if you are looking to recover costs and damages from the at-fault driver. Make sure that all of your injuries are documented – this can be by a paramedic at the scene, or by a doctor later on in the hospital – and always follow medical advice. Make sure that you receive copies of all records, documents and correspondence.

What Can I Claim?

If you are successful in your lawsuit, then you may be able to claim compensation for your injuries. This can go to meet a range of expenses and costs, including:

  • Medical bills and hospital stays
  • Loss of earnings
  • Repair bills for your car, or to replace your car
  • Pain and suffering

In order to have the best chance of proving your case and claiming the compensation that you deserve, you will need plenty of evidence, so make sure you collect everything that you can.

How Can We Help?

Being involved in a car accident is a painful, frightening experience, and knowing the best way to move forward can sometimes be difficult. Our team has a wealth of experience in handling car and auto accidents, and will help you take the steps you need to recover the financial support that you deserve. Get in touch today, and see how we can assist you.


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